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Specialty Car Sales is a fictional company that has been around since it was made it up for the purpose of demonstrating this website.

If you look to the right, you will see an example of the right segment. It is pulling an item from the vehicles database, filtered to cars under $20,000, limited to showing 1 vehicle by random. (Each time the page is refreshed, it will go through the randomization process.)

You can create fields for specific purposes, and use those as filters. How long has it been for sale, price, model, and whatever you can imagine.

This is a great benefit of HyperSites’ Database. You can put in a lot of information, and pull out only what you need.

The vertical gray line extends to the end of the text on the left side of the line, unless you are using different text styles, or have a lot of content for the Daily Special. It all comes down to planning!
Daily Special
Mustang SVO
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